Can You Get Cavities Filled with Braces?

Orthodontic therapy, such as braces, is often used to correct misaligned or crooked teeth. Brackets, wires and bands are the components that work together to move teeth sequentially into place. While braces are great for correcting crooked teeth and brightening a smile, some people worry about their oral hygiene while wearing them. This article will examine the relationship between orthodontic treatment and tooth decay and answer the frequently asked question of whether or not cavities can be treated while wearing braces.

Can You Get Cavities Filled with Braces?

A common concern among people getting braces is whether or not they can heal cavities at the same time. Wearing braces will not prevent you from getting cavities. Maintaining regular, thorough and careful oral hygiene is essential throughout orthodontic treatment, as braces do not provide complete protection against tooth decay.

Maintaining Proper Oral Hygiene While Wearing Braces

Extra care should be taken to maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces. Cavities and gum disease are more likely due to the space created between the teeth by the brackets and wires of the braces. Therefore, it is even more important to practice good dental hygiene.

Keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free while wearing a set of metal brackets and wires by following these guidelines for good oral hygiene:

Brush your teeth thoroughly with a soft-bristled toothbrush after each meal or at least twice a day. Bend the bristles to get into tight spaces between the bracket and cable. If you want a better clean, try switching to an electric toothbrush or an orthodontic toothbrush.

Flossing: Flossing is more difficult with braces, but it’s still important to get rid of food debris and plaque in between the teeth and along the sides of the gums. Use orthodontic floss or a floss threader to clean between the space created by the wires and brackets.

Third, when rinsing your mouth, try to use an antibacterial mouthwash. Use a fluoride mouthwash to protect your teeth from decay and improve their enamel. It’s an extra measure to make sure your mouth is bacteria-free and your breath is pleasant.

Concerns About Your Diet When you wear braces, it’s important to watch what you eat. Stay away from sugary and sticky foods that can get stuck in your braces and cause tooth decay. If you want your teeth and gums to look and feel their best, it’s best to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.


Do braces get cavities?

Cavities cannot be attributed to the use of braces. However, having braces can make it more difficult to practice good dental hygiene, which increases the risk of cavities.

How do you clean your teeth with braces? Do you need any specific equipment?

While there’s nothing made for cleaning teeth with braces, there are some things that can make it easier. Water flossers, floss threaders, and orthodontic toothbrushes can help you clean every crevice of your teeth.

Should I keep going to the dentist while I have braces?

Absolutely! Even if you wear braces, you still need regular dental checkups. Professional cleanings and checkups at the dentist can help you keep your teeth in good condition and avoid cavities.

How about if I wear braces at the same time I get my cavities?

Cavities can be filled while wearing braces; it’s not a problem. Your orthodontist will coordinate with your dentist to take all necessary safety measures before, during, and after the filling procedure.

When wearing braces, how often should one brush their teeth?

Teeth with brackets should be carefully brushed after each meal or at least twice a day. The risk of cavities can be reduced and excellent oral hygiene can be maintained by regular brushing, which helps to remove food particles and plaque.

Can I risk breaking my braces if I brush too hard?

If you brush too hard, your braces may loosen or break. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and the right amount of pressure to clean thoroughly without damaging your teeth and braces.


Straightening your teeth using braces is a highly efficient type of orthodontic therapy. However, they are not unsuccessful against tooth decay. Even while wearing braces, it is important to maintain a regular schedule of dental checkups and cleanings. Maintaining a beautiful, cavity-free smile during orthodontic treatment is possible with regular, thorough dental hygiene.

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