Does Gargling Listerine Help a Sore Throat?

A common mouthwash used to eliminate bacteria and refresh breath is Listerine. A number of substances are included in it, such as alcohol, menthol, and thymol.

Some individuals think gargling Listerine can help soothe sore throats. However, there is no scientific proof to back up this assertion. In fact, gargling with Listerine might aggravate pain by irritating the throat.

Why do people believe gargling with Listerine helps a sore throat?

People often think that gargling Listerine can soothe a sore throat for the following reasons:

Alcohol: Listerine contains alcohol, which can kill microorganisms that might be the source of a sore throat. Alcohol can, however, also irritate the throat and exacerbate pain.

Menthol: A sore throat can be made to feel better thanks to the cooling effect of menthol.

Thymol: Thymol is an antiseptic that can assist in reducing inflammation and eradicating microorganisms. Thymol can irritate the throat, though.

Does Gargling Listerine Help a Sore Throat?

Why gargling Listerine could not be effective for sore throats?

Listerine gargles may not provide relief for a sore throat for the following reasons:

  • The throat’s rear is not touched: Most often, viruses—which Listerine cannot treat—are to blame for sore throats. Furthermore, it can be challenging to gargle efficiently enough to get to the back of the throat, where the majority of sore throats begin.
  • The throat may become irritated: Listerine contains menthol and alcohol, which can irritate the throat and exacerbate pain.
  • The balance of germs in the mouth may be upset: Both beneficial and harmful oral microorganisms can be killed by Listerine. This may throw off the bacteria’s delicate equilibrium and result in other issues like thrush and poor breath.

What more can you do to relieve a sore throat besides gargling Listerine?

There are several methods for easing pain and discomfort if you have a sore throat, including:

  • Drink a lot of water: In order to keep your throat wet and reduce irritation, it’s crucial to stay hydrated.
  • Using salt water, gargle: Gargling with salt water can assist in clearing your throat of microorganisms and lessen throat discomfort. Mix 8 ounces of warm water with 1/2 teaspoon of salt to produce a saltwater gargle. After 30 seconds of gargling, spit the water out.
  • Suck on hard candies or lozenges: Lozenges or hard candies might provide pain relief and keep your throat wet. Pick hard candies or lozenges with eucalyptus, menthol, or honey as these compounds can also aid in easing a sore throat.
  • Apply a humidifier: A humidifier helps increase air moisture, which can relieve a dry throat.
  • Get lots of sleep: When you’re unwell, your body needs time to recover. Rest well, and steer clear of strenuous activity.

Precautions To Consider When Gargling Listerine

A. Use the right amount of Listerine when gargling 

It’s crucial to use the proper dosage of Listerine when gargling, which is normally 20 milliliters. Using excessive amounts of Listerine may result in undesirable side effects.

B. Avoid ingesting excessive quantities of Listerine Solution

When taken as indicated, Listerine is safe for gargling, but ingesting excessive amounts might be dangerous. After gargling, it’s critical to spit out the solution to prevent eating it.

C. If symptoms continue or get worse after using Listerine for relief, get medical help.

A sore throat may get some temporary relief from Listerine, but it might not get to the root of the problem. It’s important to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and treatment if your sore throat persists or gets worse after using Listerine.

Alternative Therapies To Take Into Account For A Sore Throat

A. Over-the-counter antihistamines such Phenylephrine Hydrochloride or Diphenhydramine

Antihistamines can help with painful throat symptoms brought on by postnasal drip or allergies. They function by minimizing throat swelling and allergic responses.

B. Oral analgesics like ibuprofen or acetaminophen

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are two over-the-counter medications that help ease throat irritation. Additionally, they have anti-inflammatory qualities that may aid in lessening swelling.

C. Decongestants taken orally, including pseudoephedrine HCl and guaifenesin

If your painful throat is caused by a congested nose, oral decongestants may be helpful. They reduce congestion by constricting blood vessels in the nasal passageways.

When should I see a doctor?

Be sure to visit a doctor if your sore throat is severe or does not get better after a few days. Additionally, if you have any of the following signs, you should visit a doctor:

  • Fever
  • Having trouble swallowing
  • A sore throat
  • Neck glands that are enlarged
  • Saliva containing blood


The idea that gargling Listerine can ease sore throats is unsupported by scientific research. In fact, gargling with Listerine might aggravate pain by irritating the throat. Other remedies for a sore throat include drinking lots of fluids, gargling with salt water, sucking on hard candies or lozenges, using a humidifier, and getting lots of rest. Be sure to visit a doctor if your sore throat is severe or does not get better after a few days.

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